This words will help you identify terms that are brought up in reviews. You can also use them when writing your own review to be a bit more descriptive.
- Orthodox: accepted, traditional
2. Admirable: worthy of admiration; inspiring, approval, reverence, or affection. excellent; first-rate.
3. Tantalized: Provoke
4. Exquisite: beautiful, excellent, finely detailed
5. Meritorious: deserving praise, reward, esteem, etc.; praiseworthy: to receive a gift for meritorious service.
6. Divine: God like
7. Appetizing: Tasting Very good
8. Outstanding: Superior Excellent
9. Peachy: wonderful; resembling a peach, as in color or appearance Informal . excellent; wonderful; fine.
10. Wondrous: Remarkable.
11. Appealing: Attract
12. Pulchritudinous: Physically beautiful, comely
13. Radiant: Bright, luminous
14. Effulgent: Shining forth brilliantly, radiance
15. Ravish/Ravishing: Enchant/ Attractive
16. Enthrall/Enthralling: Captivate/ Absorbing
17. Glamorous: sophisticated in style
18. Entice: To lead on by exciting hope or desire; allure; inveigle; persuade
19. Fascinate: to arouse the interest or curiosity of; allure.
20. Consummate: To bring forth to perfection; fulfill
21. Impeccable: Flawless, faultless, irreproachable
22. Polish: To render finished, refined, or elegant; to make smooth especially by rubbing
23. Exemplary: serving as an illustration or specimen; illustrative; typical worthy of imitation; commendable
24. Golden: Beautiful
25. Celestial: Heavenly
26. Heavenly: Very pleasant
27. Rapturous: full of, feeling, or manifesting ecstatic joy or delight.
28. Splendid: Gorgeous, magnificent, Sumptuous
29. Delectable: Delightful, Highly pleasing, enjoyable, Delicious
30. Inviting: Attractive, alluring, or tempting
31. Luscious: Highly pleasing to the taste and smell
32. Palatable: Acceptable or agreeable to thepalate or taste; savory:palatable food.
33. Savory: Pleasing to taste and smell
34. Succulent: Juicy, rich desirable quality
35. Scrumptious: very pleasing, especially to the senses; delectable; splendid
36. Glimpse: A brief look
37. Delightful: Giving great pleasure
38. Alluring: Attractive
39. Crave: Desirable
40. Covet: Desire strongly to desire wrongfully, inordinately, or without due regard forthe rights of others
41. Refine: To bring to a pure state
42. Ravishing: To fill with strong emotion especially joy
43. Effulgent: Shining forth brilliantly, radiant
44. Entrance: To fill with delight and wonders to hypnotize
45. Mesmerize: to captivate
46. Bizarre: Strange, Wild
47. Exotic: Not native or unusual
48. Fascinate: To attract and keep on hold by charm
49. Riveting: Fascinated; enthralling
50. Overwhelm: To overcome completely in mind and feeling
51. Pique: To excite
52. Stimulate: Excite, provoke
53. Titillate: To excite or arouse agreeable; to tickle
54. Unmitigated: Not mitigated; not soften or lessen; unqualified
55. Inimitable: unable to be imitated, Surpassing imitation
56. Peculiar: Strange
57. Flourish: To be successful; prosper
58. Sweet: Candy coated, like honey
59. Savory: Pleasing in flavor
60. Voluptuous: Derived from gratification of the senses; to indulge in luxury
61. Fundamental: Basic, important
62. Tranquil: free from commotion
63. Delectable: Delightful, highly pleasing
64. Piquant: Agreeably pungent or sharp in taste or flavor, Pleasantly biting or tart
65. Succulent: Juicy
66. Decent: Respectable, appropriate, worthy
67. Mellow: Soft and rich, as sound, taste, tone, color, or light
68. Tart: Sharp to the taste; sour or acid
69. Lush: of vegetation, plants, grasses, etc.) luxuriant; succulent; tender and juicy.
70. Exquisite: Extraordinarily fine or admirable.
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